EdTech Sandboxes

John Faig
Nov 29, 2023


Product-led Growth (PLG) is about using the product as the primary sales mechanism. This means reducing friction in order to help customers have an ah-ha moment. PLG in EdTech can be challenging because there are usually onboarding steps, such as student rostering, creating class sections, lesson plan creation, content curation, assignment creation, and so on.

Creating a sandbox on your website allows customers to see value in your product and requires no onboarding (see Figure 1). It is a sort of interactive simulation of the most valuable aspects of your product. This is particularly important as educators are still waiting for the promised results of EdTech tools. The sandox is high-level and different versions could be targeted at different stakeholder (e.g., teachers, counselors, principals, supers, etc.).

Figure 1: Sample Sandbox Components

What should it look like? My recommendation is to have the following components:

Figure 2: Sandbox Components Explained



John Faig

Learnaholic. EdTech expert and startup mentor. Enthusiastic about AI and Learning Engineering. Ask about RevOps consulting.